Friday, 5 December 2014

What Have I Learnt From My Research

What I learnt from my audience research:
From my audience questionnaire I have learnt that majority of the audience prefer the genre hip-hop/ rap followed closely by indie pop. The majority of people preferred a narrative and performance music video, this consists of a storyline behind it.

What I have learnt from the codes and conventions of music videos:
From researching codes and conventions of music videos I have a rough idea to what include in my video, these are:
-Performance and Narrative music video
-A lot of close-ups and use common generic camera shots and angles.
- Editing so it matches the screening
-Use props and costumes that suit my genre of music I am going to use

What have I learnt from analysing music videos:
From analysing 10 different music videos I have learnt that:
- Editing and cuts tend to match up with the music.
- A lot of close-up shots are used
- Digetic sound is used quite a lot at the start of music videos
- The narrative gets the most attention
- Mise-en-scene is related to the lyrics in some

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